Dos Alas: A bilingual TK-5 Education
The DeLaveaga Dos Alas program is built on dual-immersion, in which students learn in English & Spanish to achieve a mastery of both languages by the time they leave for Middle School. This bilingual, bicultural education promotes cognitive flexibility and a truly unique student experience designed to cultivate an broad perspective and a love of learning.
Who is eligible?
Everyone! Native Spanish, English, or bilingual speakers.
Are there additional benefits of two way language instruction?
Developing a second language boosts language skills in general. Studies show that students in two way immersion programs outperform peers in seventh grade classes on standardized tests in math, science, and social studies (Collier Thomas Study, 1996).
Bilingualism also promotes critical and creative thinking, boosting language skills that will help each meet high school graduation and college entrance requirements. As we move toward a global economy, individuals who are bilingual will become globally competitive in the job market as well.
90/10 Instructional Model
Is there a different curriculum for two-way programs?
No. Instruction is aligned with the California State Standards in the same way that traditional, English only classrooms are instructed. The difference is the language used to deliver content, not the content itself. The Dos Alas program is especially committed to helping students develop an appreciation of both cultures and supplements instruction with materials that boosts bilcluturalism.
What are the Dos Alas program’s goals?
Each student will reach language proficiency (speaking, writing, and listening) in Spanish and English.
Each student will achieve academic excellence in Spanish and English.
Each student will develop positive self-esteem, cultural awareness and, cultural sensitivity.
Where can I find out more about two-way immersion instructional models?
Dos Alas Requirements:
1. Your child must turn 5 from September 2, 2025, thru September 1, 2026, to enter TK for the 2025-26 school year.
2. Your child must be 5 years old by September 1, 2025, to enter Kindergarten
3. Your home school must be one of the following: Bay View, DeLaveaga, Gault, or Westlake.
Open Enrollment: FEBRUARY 18 to MARCH 8 until 3 pm 2025 at your school of residence.
To Enroll in Dos Alas:
​1. Contact Program Coordinator
You can reach Soledad Carvajal via email (preferred!) at soledadcarvajal@sccs.net
or by phone at 831-429-3807 x 56306
2. Attend an Informational Night
January 23, 6:00 pm -7:00 pm, in person (DeLaveaga Library)
February 4, 6:00 pm -7:00 pm, in person (DeLaveaga Library)
February 20, 6:00 pm -7:00 pm, in person (DeLaveaga Library)
Contact Soledad to sign up for the meeting you want to attend; space is limited.
3. Attend a Class Observation Tour
During the Informational Night, don't forget to sign up for a Class Observation Tour.
4. Bring These Documents to School of Residence
Copy of immunization card Immunizations for School Requirement
Verification of age (birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport Proof of residency (PG&E or water bill)
5. Register Online
Complete the online enrollment process found here: https://sccs.net/enroll for the 2025-26 school year if your student is new to Santa Cruz City Schools.
6. Fill out an Intradistrict Transfer Request
Once your school of residence has approved your registration, download and fill out this IDT Intradistrict Transfer Request for 2025-26 and list TWI (Two Way Immersion) as your desired option.
7. Bring IDT & Letter of Verification to your School of Residence
Once you have completed your IDT, Soledad Carvajal can provide you with a Letter of Verification. When both of these documents are ready, bring your IDT and Letter of Verification to the school you are originally districted for.
8. Spanish-speaking (or Bilingual) students receive Basic Language Assessment
If your child speaks Spanish, Soledad Carvajal will assess your student with a basic oral assessment.
9. The Lottery
Following the completion of these steps, your student will be entered into the lottery with all other applicants. Families will receive a notification by mail in April 2025 with results of the lottery.
* NOTE: We only accept students in the Dual Immersion Program after 1st grade if they transfer from another English and Spanish Immersion Program and are assessed at their proficiency level in both languages ​​- depending on availability.